LEAP THEN LOOK - Innovative Participatory Art Exhibitions, Events and Workshops EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS



Play Interacct Explore

Our new interactive exhibition

Play Interact Explore is a unique exhibition of interactive artworks and resources  developed in collaboration with four community groups in Eastbourne and Brighton: West Rise Junior School, Arts in Mind, Downs View Special School and the Brighton and Hove Foster Service. The exhibition explores the possibilities of play, collaboration and material exploration in cross-disciplinary art practice, and features several large, tactile sculptural objects, touchable artworks and colourful assemblages, creating a lively, exciting and curiosity-filled space designed to support and encourage visitors of all types to take part in playful exploration and critical thought through making.

The exhibition and wider project engages communities and groups in multidisciplinary collaborative practice as a new approach to art and exhibition-making.

Click her for more information

100 Miles of String

An interactive artwork where 100 miles of string is handed out to the public to weave, wind and criss-cross around and in-between a set of large wooden structures. Over the hours and days the space is completely transformed as the web of string grows and becomes ever more complex and dense. This is an event for people of all ages to play, explore and work together to create a temporary landmark for the city.

Click here for more information

Play Interact Explore at National Gallery 

Play Interact Explore was designs to break down into different elements so these can travel to different groups and events. For National Gallery's Summer in the Square we set up several elements across a temporary space in Trafalgar Square and welcomed 4000 visitors over 4 days!

Play Interact Explore at Glyndebourne Opera House 

Elements of Play Interact Explore were set up outside on lawns at Glyndebourne for first family day. Prompts were presented alongside the work inviting participants to explore the performative aspects of the works.  

Family Events and Workshops

How to be an Artist, Royal Academy 

Participatory activities were set up across 4 interconnecting rooms in which visitors were invited to use a range of materials to make objects in response to prompts, build collaborative structures, produce sound performances and interact with projections. Each activity was designed to offer new sensory experiences of making. 






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